2021 is the year of the Modern Seller

What does that mean?

To be clear: the notion of selling hasn’t really changed. I refer to the acclaimed pathways laid down by the masters of communication, like Dale Carnegie’s ‘How to win friends and influence people’.  Many of those ‘soft skills’ are still relevant today as they were back then.

The available data that we can collate and analyse, the automation, the different systems which support us – all of these are constantly evolving, and the modern seller should be thrilled with these beneficial and invaluable aids. It’s all there to help make their job easier and above all – more efficient.

What has evolved though, is our communication. Within a relatively short time we’ve shifted from face to face, to phone, to fax (remember ?!), to email to virtual.

Here are a few  ‘swaps’ to position yourself with an intelligent and sophisticated approach that demonstrates to your potential client that you are the trusted advisor, the authority in your field and the one who can help them.

Successful Salespeople:

SwapTalkative’ for ‘Listening’

The ole ‘Gift of the gab’ or ‘Selling Ice to the Eskimos’ is all very 60’s. Now ‘sales’ is a veritable and honourable profession – it’s about relating, helping, assisting, advising, guiding – essentially laying a map so that the potential buyer has the right options for them.

Modern sellers are exceptional at knowing what pertinent questions to ask.  Apt at listening to and understanding their client.


Swap ‘Are you the person to speak to about…’ for ‘I see from your posts you are interested in…’

Modern sellers over-index on their research. They professionally ‘follow’ that client, they carry out their market due diligence.  They carefully plan a step-by-step approach to their prospect.

Learn how [see below]


Swap ‘Story Telling’ for ‘Relevance’

Now reps are more proficient at linking back what their solution can do for that specific client. They are better at tailoring and customising solutions. They avoid the ‘one size fits all’ repetitive spiel, or a ‘copy and paste’ template reply, instead, clearly relating the solutions and benefits to that client’s particular pain.


Swap Whinging about the lack of Face-to-face time’ with ‘Mastering Video Conferencing’

The modern seller knows how to get their prospect/client onto video conferencing and make it an enjoyable, collaborative productive experience where the client buys into you and into your solution.

They know how to structure a meeting, convey a compelling message with clarity, get ‘buy in’ and how to get a successful outcome.

Learn how [see below]


Swap ‘I’ve been doing this for 15 years and know all there is to selling’ for ‘there’s always so much to learn, so many ways to develop myself’

Modern sales professionals are always evolving. If you are a sales leader, then inspire your team with the business material that excites you. Discuss insightful podcasts, outstanding books, impressive YouTube clips etc.

Forcing someone to undertake personal development doesn’t work, yet inspiring them to see the value does. After all, just like clients – we all find time and spend money for that which we value.

Find out 10 ways to get more out of your sales team here.

Learn how [see below]


Swap Scrappy notes’ for ‘CRM diligence’

Modern sellers use systems (sales enablement/sales stack/CRM) to be organised and efficient.

When it’s clear what you need to do, you can approach your day with calmness, clarity and pinpoint focus to get results.

You know what to prioritise and what needs your attention. You are considered, you know how you will achieve your targets, get your numbers.


If you want to know more about how to prospect – watch our recorded Business Development webinar >>>


If you want to know how to be a modern seller and evolve your sale skills, find out about our signature sales program here>>>

Smarter Selling is sales and mindset coaching for high performing leaders and teams