This post is the last in a series of posts around Activity. The first in the series focuses on Activity and CRM Systems, and the second on Activity – Qualify.

This, the last post in the series focuses on Activity – Consistency.

After studying successful sales people all around the world there is a commonality with those that excel at business development. And that is – come rain or shine they make time for business development.

They have first recognised their perfect client. The client that affects the bottom line.  They then make a plan on how they are going to reach out to that client. How they are going to bring VALUE to that client.

They become creative on how to get to that client.  I used to work with a guy that every Wednesdays at 11am on the dot he would get up and walk into a glass office and for 2 hours straight would do business development calls.  He got the large pieces of business as he had a plan on how to get them. This is consistency.

The pace is different. Not so much of a ‘tick off, look what I’ve achieved’ thrill – but a long lunch and ‘I’m moving toward my goal’ type of feel.

So, you want to be a master of business development then set time aside to do it.  TAKE ACTION!